i’ll be the phonograph that plays your favorite albums as you’re laying there drifting off to sleep

It’s Sunday evening and I’m supposed to go to a dinner party with my brother and his not-quite girlfriend. Instead, I’m laying on my floor with a wee case of the Sunday blues.  Back in the day, I’d get fairly sad on Sunday afternoons. The light fading across the wall of my room would always make me choke up a little bit. I think it was my weekly recognition that my life was in fact good, and it was sad to see each day go. It went away for a couple years, but has been slowly sneaking back into my subconscious lately.

I wrote the initial letter to Miranda July, asking her to do an interview. I need to figure out the gift for her. Also, Joe Matt linked to the site from his blog, which is nice. He’s really a good guy. I tried to write a ‘comic’ story tonight, but didn’t really like the structure of it, which was frustrating. I may work on it some more after dinner, but who knows.

I’ve also got this other story idea, but it’s horribly horribly sad, and while I’m in the head space to write a melancholy, it may be over the top. We’ll see.

5 Responses to “i’ll be the phonograph that plays your favorite albums as you’re laying there drifting off to sleep”

  1. Drew Says:

    The song in the title is The Postal Service, “Brand New Colony”. Finally!

  2. Shelley Says:

    One of my favorite lines in a song ever. EVER.

  3. Drew Says:

    I think my fav line from that song is “I’ll be the platform shoes, undo what heredity’s done to you, you won’t have to strain to look into my eyes.” I think it may just be because I always end up dating short girls and I’m a gigantic man.

  4. Crystal Says:

    I might be the only person in the world for whom this song is the soundtrack to a breakup. Okay, well I guess there are two of us, by definition.

  5. dirtbag Says:

    That’s funny, I always the of the Postal Service as sad breakup music, not sweet relationship music.

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