Talent is luck. The most important thing in the world is courage.

This morning I got an email from my boss who asked if we were ‘still going ahead with x project’. I wrote back that not only were we going ahead with it, but had in fact been working on it for eight weeks, and it was actually done. So given the intense scrutiny I’m feeling about my work, I thought fine to break the mold and post while at work on a sunny Friday morning.

Last night, in the middle of a nightmare – and not a location nightmare or boogyman nightmare, but a general feeling of unease nightmare – I woke up to crazy sounds and light flickering into my room. I got up and went to the window to see a crazy rain and lightening storm happening. Then,  I looked into my neighbors yard, and saw a blue and white striped umbrella being twirled around clockwise, and then counter clockwise – then, whomever was holding it ran off into the alley. That freaked me out a little bit.

Last night I watched ‘Factory Girl, which is the story of Edie Sedgwick, who I’ve always had a strange affinity for. I was pretty taken in by the sheer volume of work that Warhol did though. Prints, films, sculpture, photography, painting, drawing, bands, not to mention doing all in the whole Factory scene. Simultaneously, I’ve been reading the great biography of Woody Allen called, amazingly enough, ‘Woody Allen – A Biography’ by Eric Lax. And the thing that has struck me about Woody is that he too is a multi-medium artist. Write, director, actor, sure, but also stand up comic and musician.

So waking up this morning, I felt a little better about the fact that I like to write, make posters, play music, make people laugh, do comix and so on. Where I’ve often felt that I need to sort of pick one creative outlet and just go with it, it dawns on me that the various outlets actually play on each other, and help each other grow and develop, if that makes sense. Of course, I also was thinking how great it would be to start a factory like space here in Denver. We’ll see.

Wrap up by saying that all 79 Dirtbag strips are now up on the site, feel free to check them out. I thought about leaving out some of the darker ones, but thought better of self censorship. I still need to add in a bunch of stuff – but it’s getting there.

Oh, not wrap, two other quick things.

I’m going to attempt an interview with Woody Allen, predictable, I know. But gosh the idea is exciting. I’ll keep y’all posted on how that one goes. Secondly, I’ve become completely tired of and bored with most of the music I’ve been listening too, so have rekindled my interest in jazz. I’ve been listening to this great Miles Davis/John Coltrane record a lot, and discovered that the opening drum and bass line to ‘Little Melonae’ are pretty much the exact same as Modest Mouse’s ‘Fruit that Ate Itself’. I’m sure it’s a coincidence, but you never know. Also, have re-fallen in love with Django Reinhardt.

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